- your graphic partner -
couple of coffees, bunch of ideas and blank pages, some sketches and we decided to take over some design studio to offer prints "out of the box".
we managed to gain more knowledge and DNA understanding, living and travelling across Europe and the World, creating a full portfolio of networking and contacts.
we established in Denmark our HQ with a freelancers system of talents.
we realised a lot of brands are suffering of this "boxed" way of thinking. So, having an opinion and fresh eyes can help boost a lot of segments. We can pratically help with prints, 3D and sketches, or simply give you an opinion about next steps.
A lot of brands are facing challenges in the market:
where I can get cool prints ?
where and how I can show better my products ?
why my products are not working ?
We can help you on getting out from this box mentality and see other opportunities. We can debox your brand !